Project/Committee Details
Pediatric SIG
The Utah Pediatric Special Interest Group (UPSIG) is a sub-group of APTA-Utah.
The UPSIG board: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Discussion Managers.
Membership dues are $20 (October through October) and payable online under my billing.
The purpose of the UPSIG is to:
1. Further the knowledge and skill of physical therapists and physical therapist assistants who provide pediatric physical therapy.
2. Provide a forum for information exchange between therapists in pediatric physical therapy.
3. Advocate for public policies.
Primary Contact:
Kathlene Qualls, PT, BSPT, DSc, PCS
Contact Phone:
Project/Committee Member Information
Kathlene Qualls
Stefanie Elias
Angaleen Goodwin
Jodi Harris-Phillips
Katie Mansell
Jessica Sherman
Candance Turner
Olivia Wilkerson
Denise Winters
Danielle Zoglman-Garcia